Are you finding it difficult to get yourself featured in news websites?

Getting your interviews, quotes and articles featured in famous news websites and blogs is the epitome of authority for a business. Book an appointment if you are a respected practitioner / institution in your domain and are looking to increase your reputation.

News websites and high-authority blogs are a great way to increase your digital reputation. Patients and consumers feel a lot more comfortable choosing a practitioner who is regularly featured as an expert by top publications and blogs. These articles also turnout to be great content for your website and help you immensely in improving your lead conversion rate.

No Nonsense Healthcare PR

What we offer

Online News Articles

Online News Articles / Blogs

Kuhmanchee has partnered with leading news articles and blogs which have great traffic and authority with its readers. Our team helps you find the best sites which would be happy to share your opinion or recommend you to its readers.

High-authority News Websites

Our team works with high-authority sites which are trusted and well-known in the space. Kuhmanchee will never recommend a fake or spammy website to feature your business or service.

Review Websites

We can get your service listed and recommended by top review sites. Review websites work great for services such as healthcare facilities, senior living centres and mental health specialists.

Interviews and Questionnaire

Interviews and questionnaires help specialists share information and opinions on a given subject with readers of a website. It goes a long way in establishing yourself as an authority and an expert on a particular subject or line of service.

Sponsored Articles

Sponsored articles on high-authority websites help you create great content for your website which can bring credibility to your business. Sponsored articles are also a great tool to increase your site’s ranking on Google.

Digital Reputation

Digital reputation for your healthcare service creates a level of trust for your prospects even before meeting you. Healthcare PR positions you as an expert in your line of service.

Kuhmanchee's Edge

Strong Partnerships with News Websites
Industry Leader positioning
Content Guidance
Competitive Pricing

Kuhmanchee advantage

Low turn-around-time

High-traffic websites

Assistance with talking points

Permanent listings


Option for backlinks